Who provides the most value to your business?
Your AV systems are significant contributors to your company’s productivity and bottom line. When it comes time to elevate the conference and training rooms in your Scottsdale, AZ, home office, or build out new meeting spaces in a second office, you want to ensure you’re investing in the right solutions that will create meaningful experiences and promote business growth and productivity.
Two vastly different standards are emerging and diverging in the enterprise market: the AV system integrator model and the managed services provider (MSP) model. What’s the difference, and which models delivers more value to your business? Find out below.
on Monday, 24 January 2022.
Posted in Audio Video System Integrator, Scottsdale, AZ , Audio Video System Integrator, AV as a Service
I love checklists. They are some of my favorite things. In fact, I start each day with a prioritized daily task list (which is basically a checklist of things I need to get done that day). When I take the scouts camping, I use a checklist to make sure I have everything I need. When I go to Costco? You guessed it. Checklists. When I get up to leave at a restaurant, mental checklist: wallet, phone, keys...good to go. When I want to make sure I delivered a quality AV system? Checklists out the wazoo! They make life so easy. Not only that, they make it possible to consistently deliver on experience.
on Wednesday, 19 January 2022.
Posted in Qualiverse
Yes, Even Hardware Can Be a Service
We’ve discussed the merits of managed services at length on these blog pages. The term SaaS (Software as a Service) is well understood in the IT lexicon and the technology world. Managed services are also starting to become well understood and, generally speaking, are all about delivering an outcome-based level of performance and service for a set monthly fee. So, what, then, is Hardware as a Service (HaaS), and how does it play into the world of managed services?
For the most part, HaaS is the same concept as any other managed service. We’re going to use a consumer example here, and while it may not correlate directly to the commercial audio-visual world, it is illustrative.
Volvo currently offers some unique leasing plans for some of its models. In fact, they don't call it a lease; they call it a subscription. Unlike common car leases, this one offers full maintenance (including tires), insurance, road hazard coverage, and almost everything you need to operate the vehicle but fuel. It doesn't even require a long-term commitment. It’s as close as you get in the auto world to the car as a service, where you get almost all the benefits of ownership without most of the downside.
HaaS for your Phoenix, AZ company can work in much the same way as Volvo’s subscription-based model, and then some. Let’s explore the HaaS model for AV and its benefits in more detail below.
on Friday, 07 January 2022.
Posted in Hardware as a Service – Phoenix, AZ , Hardware as a Service
Learn about different tools and resources available to help you start a career in medical simulation
Medical simulation is rising in popularity as an engaging and effective way to deliver education to medical students in a safe, structured environment. And with new sim labs popping up in training hospitals and universities in Miami, FL, and across the U.S., the need for qualified simulation technicians is rising as well.
Simulation education can take the form of many pathways, from certifications and trade schools to college-level degrees and courses. And it’s a field open and attractive to individuals with various areas of expertise — nurses, IT technicians, and AV experts could all find that becoming a sim tech is a fulfilling career path.
If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a simulation technician or similar role, we have some guidelines to help you create a simulation education pathway. Keep reading to get started!
on Wednesday, 29 December 2021.
Posted in Simulation Education
One solution delivers everything you need
The workplace is undergoing a digital transformation. The global pandemic that rocked the globe in 2020 sent millions of workers in Phoenix, AZ, and across the U.S. to work out of home offices, collaborate with teammates in the cloud, and meet over video instead of in person. Now, as people start trickling back to the office, they have new expectations for the environment they work in and the technology they use. Making Zoom calls from home is easy — now, employees want the in-office experience to be as easy as clicking a link and jumping on a video call.
And with Crestron Flex, it can be. Flex is an all-in-one unified communications solution that delivers everything you need in the conference room on a single, user-friendly platform. Flex was designed to support the new hybrid workplace and facilitate the digital workplace transformation. So what do you get with Flex’s single solution? Keep reading to find out.
on Wednesday, 29 December 2021.
Posted in Unified Communications Phoenix, AZ, Unified Communications
on Monday, 27 December 2021.
Posted in Philanthropy
Hello, friends! Welcome to the Qualiverse where we talk about all things quality, especially as they pertain to AV. My name is Jim Maltese and I have spent most of my career bringing quality to the AV industry, either as a system commissioner or instructor for InfoComm/AVIXA and AQAV or as VP of Quality Standards at Level 3 Audiovisual.
on Wednesday, 22 December 2021.
Posted in Quality Control, Qualiverse
What can you do to make workers want to come to the office?
In a hybrid workplace model, employees have the freedom and flexibility to choose where they work day-to-day. For some workers, that’s alternating days in the office with days at home. For others, that’s only coming to the office for all-hands meetings or team events. So how can your organization reconcile differing employee schedules and work styles while keeping everyone connected?
The key to creating an effective hybrid workplace is cultivating an office environment where employees are just as comfortable, productive, and efficient as they are at home. A successful hybrid model allows employees to move fluidly between home and office workspaces and have the best tools and conditions to thrive in both.
Tools like workplace experience apps, Crestron Flex room systems, and video conferencing platforms, combined with a fresh office re-design, can help your organization in Tempe, AZ, or elsewhere in the U.S. build the kind of workplace that makes workers want to come to the office.
Keep reading to learn three tips for implementing a hybrid model in your office spaces.
on Wednesday, 22 December 2021.
Posted in Hybrid Workplace, Tempe, AZ , Hybrid Workplace