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Articles in Category: Audio-Video Installation

Boost your workplace productivity with the latest technologies in your building’s audio-video installation. Learn about the latest solutions here.

Should You Use Sound Masking in Your AV Installation? Should You Use Sound Masking in Your AV Installation?


Do you remember the movie “Wall Street?” The first one, of course, from 1987. You might recall the noisy bullpen scene with the frenzy of stockbrokers cold calling for clients. Who wants to work in that noisy environment?

As it turns out – this pandemic notwithstanding – many people work in relatively noisy if not quite as frenzied environments. Open office concepts have surged in popularity since the 1980s debut of Wall Street. And while today’s open offices feature many workers at computers and not working the phones, voice calls still happen, people still talk in walkways and at desks, and ambient noise is a factor in open office distraction. 

5 Reasons You Should Be Working with a Qualified AV Integrator 5 Reasons You Should Be Working with a Qualified AV Integrator

Qualified AV Integrators Can Save You Worry…and Money. Here’s How

Managing your company’s audiovisual system is a full-time job, even in the best of circumstances. And it can be more than a full-time job if you are constantly trouble shooting and repairing malfunctioning AV systems. All that time rushing from fire to fire takes time away from your day-to-day tasks and mission-driven work, and you end up burning the midnight oil—and eventually burning out. Instead of spending your time helping an unreliable AV system limp along, you can start your AV project off on the right foot, with a qualified integrator that can save you all that anxiety—and save you money, too.

Why Modern Buildings Need Interconnected AV and How to Get It Why Modern Buildings Need Interconnected AV and How to Get It

Cast your mind back to middle school science (if you can!) and you’ll probably remember learning about ecosystems—a group of interconnected organisms or elements all cooperating in the same environment, like a rain forest or a coral reef. But ecosystems aren’t only found in the natural world. Interacting technologies—such as an integrated AV solution—can also form intricate systems that rely on additional interconnectivity. More broadly speaking, the systems can also connect with AV manufacturers, integrators, and end users, and missing any one of the elements threatens the health of your system. Keep reading for examples of outstanding AV systems integrated by Level 3 Audiovisual.

How to Implement Modern AV in Historic Buildings How to Implement Modern AV in Historic Buildings

Most people are familiar with the motto “reduce, reuse, and recycle,” but some things are easier to re-purpose than others. While anyone with a pair of scissors can turn an old pair of jeans into a hip pair of cut-offs, for example, re-purposing an older building for a new use is more complicated. Known as adaptive reuse, this can require a careful balance of preserving historical elements while introducing modern technology and improving accessibility. Working on AV projects in older, historic buildings often requires creative problem-solving, and that makes choosing an integrator familiar with preservation guidelines a very important step in the adaptive reuse process. Here are three things to discuss with your integrator before you tackle an AV project in a historic building.

How to Get the Most out of Your AV Budget How to Get the Most out of Your AV Budget

It’s easy to think that something is better just because it’s more expensive. And if you are comparing, say, a Kia to a Lamborghini, that might be true. But in a lot of cases, it isn’t. In fact, the cheap seats at the ballpark usually have the best view. When it comes to audiovisual solutions, expensive doesn’t always mean better either. As you are designing new AV systems, understanding what you should spend your money on—and where you can cut corners—can ensure you get the functionality you need without exceeding your budget.

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