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Articles in Category: Simulation Education

How to Build Your Own Simulation Education Pathway How to Build Your Own Simulation Education Pathway

Learn about different tools and resources available to help you start a career in medical simulation

Medical simulation is rising in popularity as an engaging and effective way to deliver education to medical students in a safe, structured environment. And with new sim labs popping up in training hospitals and universities in Miami, FL, and across the U.S., the need for qualified simulation technicians is rising as well.

Simulation education can take the form of many pathways, from certifications and trade schools to college-level degrees and courses. And it’s a field open and attractive to individuals with various areas of expertise — nurses, IT technicians, and AV experts could all find that becoming a sim tech is a fulfilling career path.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a simulation technician or similar role, we have some guidelines to help you create a simulation education pathway. Keep reading to get started!

Nursing Education: Too Many Hats; Not Enough Heads Nursing Education: Too Many Hats; Not Enough Heads

Many simulationists share a common issue when it comes to day-to-day operations in a simulation. The reality is, many simulation programs are understaffed, and most faculty already have more hats than they can comfortably wear.  This has many programs looking closer at the evolving simulation operation specialist role.  But where does one find someone with the skills needed without sacrificing an educator position? The shortage of nursing educators is a well-known concern; but too often the operations specialist role(s) merely become a strategy to fund another nursing educator.

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