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How to Build Your Own Simulation Education Pathway

How to Build Your Own Simulation Education Pathway

Learn about different tools and resources available to help you start a career in medical simulation

Medical simulation is rising in popularity as an engaging and effective way to deliver education to medical students in a safe, structured environment. And with new sim labs popping up in training hospitals and universities in Miami, FL, and across the U.S., the need for qualified simulation technicians is rising as well.

Simulation education can take the form of many pathways, from certifications and trade schools to college-level degrees and courses. And it’s a field open and attractive to individuals with various areas of expertise — nurses, IT technicians, and AV experts could all find that becoming a sim tech is a fulfilling career path.

If you’re interested in pursuing a career as a simulation technician or similar role, we have some guidelines to help you create a simulation education pathway. Keep reading to get started!

SEE ALSO: Planning a Medical Sim Lab Build: What You Need to Know

1. Gather Resources

The first step on your education pathway is to become involved in the medical simulation community. We suggest checking out the following resources.

Industry organizations and groups are an invaluable resource when you’re starting a sim tech career path. Your fellow peers will be able to answer your questions, direct you to other helpful resources, and keep you up-to-date with the newest advancements in the healthcare simulation field.

2. Map Out a Career Path

There’s no one path toward becoming a simulation technician/specialist, unlike other fields. Many technicians come from backgrounds in nursing, IT, AV/technology, healthcare, theater, or education. Most prospective students form educational matrixes that are multi-directional based on knowledge, education, and experience they already possess. While qualifications vary by position, here are the foundational requirements you should aim to meet.

  • Associate degree. An associate degree in IT, healthcare, technology, or education is recommended, and a bachelor’s degree is even better.
  • Certification program. The Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist (CHSOS) certification is highly recommended. Alternatively, many colleges and universities offer certification programs for healthcare simulation.
  • Nice-to-haves. Previous medical simulation experience, clinical experience, educational workshops, and industry organization membership are all great boosts to your résumé. Use the resources we provided above to get started!

Keep in mind that healthcare simulation is a rapidly growing profession. Therefore, we recommend taking advantage of the numerous simulation conferences, seminars, and workshops available to improve your competitiveness in the field.

3. Identify Your Gaps

Simulation technicians are expected to wear many hats, which means you need exposure and experience in numerous skill sets. Identifying your knowledge gaps can help you complete your career pathway with supplemental courses and workshops that fill those gaps. For example, if your background is in nursing, you may need computer science and AV technology education. Or, if your background is in IT, you may need medical knowledge.

Once you’ve identified your gaps, we have some resources you can use to get the supplemental education you need.

Additionally, one of the best things you can do is talk to a professional in the field where you need to gain more knowledge. Or reach out to Level 3 for advice. We’re happy to guide you down the educational pathway that will help you meet your career goals.

Are you interested in learning more about the educational opportunities available to you? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our simulation experts at Level 3 Audiovisual — we’re here to answer your question, guide you toward resources, and keep you up-to-date on upcoming Level 3 seminars and courses. Call us, fill out an online form, or start a live chat below to get in touch!

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