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Articles in Category: Police Training Simulation Labs

Simulation is a valuable tool to help future officers prepare for real-world experiences. Learn more about police training simulation labs and their benefits here.

New Use Cases for Healthcare Simulation, Part 2: Police Training Labs New Use Cases for Healthcare Simulation, Part 2: Police Training Labs

Is simulation education the police training method of the future?

Simulation is a fast-growing area of interest in the healthcare education field. Universities and training hospitals across the U.S. are building custom simulation labs to give future nurses, doctors, and PAs real, interactive experiences in a safe and controlled environment. 

And healthcare isn’t the only industry where simulation technology is sparking interest. This blog is part two of a series of blogs that will explore new use cases for simulation technology.

Today, we’re turning an eye toward police training simulation labs. Police academies realize the potential for simulation to provide invaluable training experiences to new and current police officers in Miami, FL, and across the U.S. Keep reading to learn more about what you need to set up sim labs for police training. 

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