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Articles in Category: Edge Security

Edge computing requires specific security best practices to ensure the integrity of your network. Learn more about edge security here.

Securing the Edge: How to Keep Your Internal Network Secure with Edge Computing Systems Securing the Edge: How to Keep Your Internal Network Secure with Edge Computing Systems

Best Practices for Safe Edge Computing for AV Management

Many of you reading this already understand edge computing, although it probably means different things to different people. By definition, edge computing is done at the edge of the network, close to the data source. In cloud computing, data is sent back to the cloud for processing. So is it just a fancy way of differentiating between distributed and centralized computing, some older terms for similar concepts? Perhaps, as the computer and software industries excel at developing new terminology for old concepts applied to new platforms. 

We joke a little here, but let's look at an example. Apple's fancy term for software-enhanced photography and computational photography is taking advantage of the considerable processing power of today's iPhones to do some serious editing, enhancement, and tricks with images. Could that be done in the cloud? Yes, as Google Photos does with any browser-equipped device. So what are the advantages of doing this at the edge? If you have the computational power, edge computing can enable faster, more responsive applications. And the less potentially sensitive information that has to travel back and forth from the cloud, the more secure the application.

Security is important in edge computing. And edge computing is important in network monitoring and management of AV devices in internal networks. You don't want all those inherently insecure devices directly connected to the internet, as they present many attack points into your network for would-be hackers. Instead, an edge appliance or computer sits at the "edge" of your network, monitoring and collecting information and sending it back to the cloud to aggregate into other management systems. But how do you ensure the security of the edge appliance sitting in your Scottsdale, AZ offices from the wild and woolly internet? That’s what we explore further in this blog post.

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