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Articles in Category: Video Wall Display

Video wall displays are dynamic tools for education, engagement, and communication. Learn more about the technology and its applications here.

How to Create a Video Wall with Multiple LCD Displays How to Create a Video Wall with Multiple LCD Displays

Enjoy the Performance of a Video Wall at a Fraction of the Cost

An LED video wall transforms any blank space into an engaging, exciting experience. From corporate offices to sports stadiums, video wall displays are the ultimate visual technology

But video walls can be costly and aren’t always a practical solution. If you still want to create a larger-than-life display, we can join together a “video wall” using multiple smaller LED or LCD displays—even using screens from different manufacturers. 

You may worry: will it look seamless if we use many smaller screens? Well, if the displays aren’t calibrated and color balanced, you’ll likely be distracted by mismatched-looking screens. 

But Level 3 Audiovisual can calibrate all the displays at your business—even other screens like projectors and touchscreens—to match with the same colors and brightness. Here’s how it works.

How To Leverage Video Wall Displays for Retail Applications How To Leverage Video Wall Displays for Retail Applications


It’s no secret that retail sales at brick and mortar stores are losing ground every year to online shopping. With the ongoing pandemic, brick and mortar retail is hurting even more and may experience more fallout. Is physical retail dying? No, but just as technology has reshaped the shopping experience online, technology can invigorate the physical shopping experience too.

While shopping for sundries and household needs might be easier to do online, shopping for fashion, cosmetics, and other fine goods that appeal to more than the visual sense is still a more pleasurable experience in person. In Scottsdale, shopping centers like the Fashion Square, Kierland Commons, and more cater to an upscale shopping experience. But retailers may need to adopt solutions to create more differentiated shopping opportunities in-store to get people away from screens at home.

What might be such a solution? Interestingly enough, it involves more screens, big screens, and many of them. Read on for suggestions on how to liven up physical shopping settings in Scottsdale with video wall displays.

How to Choose the Best Video Wall for Broadcast TV How to Choose the Best Video Wall for Broadcast TV

You’ve probably had a good chuckle at a broadcast TV blooper reel or on-air faux pas because there’s something funny about someone tripping over their tongue on live TV. But having the wrong technology in your broadcast TV studio or multimedia communications center is no laughing matter.  To stay competitive in today’s television broadcast market, you have to offer more than two anchors sitting behind a desk or a lone reporter broadcasting from the red carpet. Modern video walls that display maps, statistics, photos, and videos can help capture viewers’ attention while providing anchors, hosts, and reporters with some variety in the way they present information. But the wrong video wall can distract viewers and cause them to reach for the remote. So how do you choose the right video wall solution for your broadcast and multimedia communications needs? Here are six important considerations to get you started.

3 Ways Video Walls Can Support Your Business Goals 3 Ways Video Walls Can Support Your Business Goals


There are lots of ways to make a bad first impression on a potential customer or employee—have mustard on your shirt, a funny smell in your office, or outdated technology solutions that don’t always work. Alternately, you can make a good impression with clean clothes, a bright, inviting (and smell-free) office space, and modern technology solutions. And what if those technology solutions could not only make you look good but also help you meet your business goals and increase your revenue? For that kind of result, consider a video wall.

Which Costs More - A Video Wall or No Video Wall? Which Costs More - A Video Wall or No Video Wall?

The adage “You only get one chance to make a first impression” is just as true with places as it is people. Whether it’s a hotel, a student library, or a lobby, what we feel the moment we walk in often translates into an opinion—the hotel deal was too good to be true, I can’t see myself at this college, this company feels too corporate. And that opinion influences the decision that happens next—I’m booking a different hotel, I’m attending the other college, I’m selecting a different provider. Creating an impression that is true to your brand and your mission takes more than a skilled interior designer—it takes technology. Video walls deliver more than an impression—they create an experience. The success of video walls at stopping retail shoppers in their tracks, creating a high-end feel in hotels, helping hospital patients and visitors find their way, engaging students in learning, and delivering relevant information to lobby visitors is the reason the adoption of this solution continues to increase at impressive rates. It’s likely why you’re researching video walls and reading this blog.

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