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Articles in Category: (EMS) Simulation Lab

EMS simulation labs provide a safe and engaging environment for future paramedics to practice live-saving medical techniques in the field. Learn more here.  

New Use Cases for Healthcare Simulation, Part 1: EMS Simulation Labs New Use Cases for Healthcare Simulation, Part 1: EMS Simulation Labs

What do you need to outfit an ambulance for EMS education?

When we consider the educational role of healthcare simulation, the traditional use cases are for nursing, physician, and PA students in training hospitals and universities in Houston, TX, and other major cities across the U.S. However, simulation technology is incredibly sophisticated and vastly adaptable to help medical professionals of all types gain hands-on practice and experience in a safe, simulated environment. 

Over the next few months, we’ll be embarking on a blog series to explore the expansion of simulation technology and new use cases for future healthcare professionals. 

Today, we’re starting with EMS simulation labs built in ambulances and other environments where EMS professionals deliver critical care to patients. Outfitting an ambulance for EMS education requires thinking through several unique considerations. We’re here to help guide you through them — keep reading to learn more. 

How Intelligent Device Monitoring Can Save Your Simulation System How Intelligent Device Monitoring Can Save Your Simulation System


It used to be that the biggest threat to classroom training was a broken piece of chalk or a dead bulb in the overhead projector. As more and more medical training programs and healthcare facilities incorporate complex simulation systems and technologies, however, the number of things that can go wrong are increasing. And each of those glitches and the downtime they create can have negative impacts to classroom and training schedules and outcomes. When a simulation system goes down, for example, classes get cancelled, and training plans and schedules fall behind. But the fix is often complicated and time-consuming. Simulation systems may include microphones, speakers, and cameras, as well as control rooms and debriefing software. For these complex systems, the best fix is the ability to identify issues early and respond to them rapidly. And that is exactly what Pulse IDM —an intelligent device monitoring system designed for the SIMStation solution—does. The 24/7 monitoring provided by Pulse IDM can minimize problems that negatively impact the use of simulation systems and resolve issues that do arise more quickly and with less disruption to users.

3 Questions to Answer Before You Choose a Simulation Solution 3 Questions to Answer Before You Choose a Simulation Solution


If you are trying to decide between two pairs of navy blue socks and one costs $5 while the other costs $25, the decision is likely a no-brainer. When it comes to comparing and choosing simulation software, however, you shouldn’t make your decision based on price alone. Unlike socks, going with a lower-priced simulation system could cost you the functionality and ease-of-use you need to meet your objectives. And low quotes on simulation systems often don’t include AV installation and other ancillary costs, so your “good deal” often ends up being more expensive in the end. So, if you can’t choose between simulation systems based on price, what should you be looking for? Here are 3 questions to ask yourself before you choose a simulation solution.

3 Budget Hacks for Your High-Fidelity Healthcare Simulation System 3 Budget Hacks for Your High-Fidelity Healthcare Simulation System


If you’ve ever seen a holiday blockbuster film then you’ve probably been transported to a faraway place—a planet at the outer reaches of a futuristic solar system, backstage at a rock concert, or the front lines of World War II—maybe without even realizing it was happening. Healthcare simulation labs require a similar suspension of disbelief for students to receive a truly immersive and effective education. There is an ever-growing body of tools that can help accomplish a high-fidelity simulation environment, including manikins, AV technology, and medical devices. But creating a seamless, realistic simulation doesn’t come cheap, and most universities and other training facilities don’t have the same budget as a Hollywood studio. So, how can you get the tools you need to create a high-fidelity simulation experience, and how do you get them on a budget? Get your popcorn ready and keep reading to find out.

6 Ways to Lessen Distractions in the Control Room 6 Ways to Lessen Distractions in the Control Room


We invite you to read Lessening Distractions in the Control Room before you begin reading this section. It is an introduction to the challenge for the simulationist in regard to cognitive load. This article begins a discussion on the types of technologies that will help address these challenges. 

Lessening Distractions in the Control Room assumes that you as the reader has experience with the typical control room. The reality is that each simulation program may have the control room layout designed differently. Allow us to provide a little more context for those of you who don’t have a control room.

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