Level 3 Audiovisual Donates $5,800 to United Food Bank
Every year Level 3 Audiovisual participates in several philanthropic endeavors. One of our favorites is our partnership with the United Food Bank of Eastern Arizona. It’s a favorite because it is tied in with the raffle we host during our annual Christmas party. Employees purchase raffle tickets to win prizes that have been donated by our vendor partners. Our policy is to match all raffle purchases and then donate that money to the United Food Bank. As the popularity of our Christmas raffle has grown, along with an increasing number of employees at Level 3, we have been able to consistently grow the amount we donate on a yearly basis.
about united food bank
The United Food Bank was established as a non-profit back in 1983 to gather and distribute food to East Valley organizations who were helping feed those in need. The Food Bank assisted 28 different community partners that first year and many are still partnering today. Currently the Food Bank collaborates with more than 145 partner agencies and programs and covers a geographical area of over 19,608 square miles.
Our impact
In 2021 we were able to donate $5,802 dollars to the Food Bank and a total of $38,641 since we began supporting Food Bank back in 2010. For every $1 donated the Food Bank can distribute five meals to hungry people. Our involvement has allowed us to assist over 190,000 people get a much-needed meal. If you are looking for a worthy cause for your philanthropic program you might consider the Food Bank. They are great people helping great people in need.