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Articles tagged with: video conferencing

How Zoom Rooms Solve The 3 Most Common Meeting Pain Points How Zoom Rooms Solve The 3 Most Common Meeting Pain Points


At Level 3 Audiovisual, we’re hereby nominating Zoom as the Time Person of the Year 2020. The video conferencing platform rose to dizzying popularity this year as unexpected circumstances forced people to meet less in person and more online. And nipping at Zoom’s heels came the conferencing solution designed to meet commercial needs for in-person and remote collaboration: Zoom Rooms.

Zoom Rooms are an all-in-one integrated solution deployed in conference rooms, huddle rooms and other meeting spaces in commercial organizations of all sizes. Although a Zoom Room isn’t the only conferencing solution of its kind, Zoom has one-upped the competition through several key advantages: reliable usability, high-quality AV, and incredibly simple and straightforward user accessibility.

Zoom...just works. Keep reading to learn how a Zoom Room solution can effectively solve the three most common pain points in meeting rooms in Scottsdale, AZ, and across the U.S.

An Introduction to Zoom Rooms: Why Does My Business Need One? An Introduction to Zoom Rooms: Why Does My Business Need One?

Zoom Rooms help make remote work possible by providing a sophisticated, user-friendly platform for communication

In 2020, Zoom is a household name — not just here in Phoenix, AZ, but across the United States and overseas. It’s won the popularity contest among other video conferencing solutions due to its ease of use and reliable service. Anyone can create or join a Zoom meeting if they download the software on their smartphone or computer. But audio/video meetings are only one component of the Zoom system. Zoom Rooms are a larger, all-inclusive solution that organizations can employ to foster communication, collaboration, growth and productivity among a dispersed workforce, including in-person and remote workers. Many employers like the benefits they reap from increased remote work opportunities. It decreases overhead expenses for the organization and fosters greater efficiency and output among employees. But these benefits depend on employees having the right tools at their disposal to communicate and work together effectively. And that’s where Zoom Rooms shine.

Top 5 Trends for Conference Rooms Top 5 Trends for Conference Rooms


As a new year looms, there is no shortage of predictions about the next big thing across every industry. Some, like bell bottoms making a comeback, won’t really matter either way. Others, like what new audiovisual technologies will drive innovation and collaboration, are predictions that no company can afford to ignore. Conference rooms are a critical setting for that innovation and collaboration, so it’s especially important to keep those spaces up-to-date. Keep reading to learn more about five trends in conference room design that your company should be prepared to adopt in the new year.

Why Video Collaboration Is the Tool Your Modern Workplace Needs Why Video Collaboration Is the Tool Your Modern Workplace Needs

3 Workstyle Trends and Why Video Collaboration Is the Best Fit for All of Them

While video is a medium that older generations are still getting used to—as anyone who has FaceTimed with their parents’ or grandparents’ foreheads can attest—for the generations currently entering the workforce, video chatting and collaborating is second nature. Millennials and Gen Z's think nothing of walking down the aisles of a grocery store video chatting with friends, and they expect that same type of video communication to be available at work as well. For your business, video collaboration is a win-win that gives workers the flexibility they crave while also providing opportunities for cooperation and collaboration that can drive innovation and growth at your company.

4 Video Collaboration Tools That Can Enhance Any Meeting Space 4 Video Collaboration Tools That Can Enhance Any Meeting Space


The video conferencing market is estimated to reach more than $20 billion by 2024. In a marketplace that size, there is no shortage of solutions vying for your attention. Here are four types of video collaboration tools that deserve it. Check our list of what’s trending in conferencing and collaboration and why. Then talk to us about your video collaboration needs.

5 Presenter Personalities and the Best Boardroom Tech for Each 5 Presenter Personalities and the Best Boardroom Tech for Each


You might know a car enthusiast who dropped a lot of cash on some fancy rims or a movie buff who invested a little extra dough equipping a killer home theater, but when was the last time you heard someone bragging about tricking out their corporate boardroom? When it comes to meeting spaces, companies often try to get by with the bare minimum in audiovisual solutions, but without the right boardroom technology, you could end up losing more time and money in the long run.

Video Conferencing Can Fill the Gaps in Your Workflows Video Conferencing Can Fill the Gaps in Your Workflows

Today’s companies are all about the flow of information from colleague to colleague and team to team. So when work at your organization gets stuck, lost, or forgotten, where does it usually come to a grinding halt? In email? On team collaboration boards? During meetings? If you find that work often stops until the next meeting or until a key team member gets back into town, there are faster, more efficient ways to keep work moving. One of those ways is to get on a video conference call right now.

How to Make the Case for Better Video Conferencing How to Make the Case for Better Video Conferencing

Is video conferencing at your organization up in the air and all over the place? Maybe some employees love to hop on impromptu video calls with just about anyone from anywhere—even when they’re just down the hall. On the other hand, some resist turning on the camera or using video conferencing at all. You may see different departments favoring different solutions. If there is no consistent user experience and video conferencing has become a big hassle for your IT department, you’ll want to make some changes. You know you want to provide an easy, standardized experience in your meeting rooms, small or large. But what do you do when executives don’t make video conferencing a priority, don’t understand the benefits, and don’t want to set aside budget to solve your organizations collaboration issues? Start by gathering user and stakeholder feedback, researching and narrowing down your options, and then presenting the information to those who will make the final decision. State your case by beginning with the “why” behind the push for video conferencing.

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