6 Things to Look Out for When Securing Your AV
Make Sure Your Managed IT Solutions Covers These Bases
If your organization hires a third party for managed AV, you’ll want to ensure you’re getting the best service possible. So what does that look like?
With more IoT devices than ever in our conference rooms and offices, these cloud-connected gadgets are as vulnerable to cyber threats as any computer or laptop. You need an IT management company that consistently updates your network and ensures all endpoints are protected.
A great managed AV provider should work with your existing network processes rather than bulldoze through with their own standards. They should be transparent and proactively update your network. Before partnering with a company for managed IT solutions, make sure they provide an SLA with detailed metrics and look for the following six features.
SEE ALSO: Trust the Data – Why Metrics Are Important for Conference Room Systems
1. Password Management
Believe it or not, most cyber hacking still occurs through default administrator login credentials. When default logins are accidentally left on devices, it leaves an easy backdoor for hackers to slip inside. With AV equipment, logins for administrative systems and underlying OS need to be monitored and updated. These passwords should be maintained in a document that you can securely access, too.
2. Monitor Open Ports
Sometimes, ports not meant to be open are mistakenly left exposed. Someone at your company may have opened a port to satisfy a request and forgotten about it. An application may have modified a firewall configuration, accidentally leaving ports open without your knowledge.
It can be difficult to mitigate risks with open ports, but data breaches from open ports occur all the time. To prevent this, your managed IT provider should implement multi-factor authentication and segment the network so that a single port can’t bring hackers onto the rest of the devices on your network. Your provider should scan network ports regularly to ensure they’re closed and protected.
3. Unauthenticated Interfaces
If your AV devices include any interfaces without authentication prompts, hackers can move laterally into trusted zones in a network and potentially bypass security policies. Your management provider should identify misconfigured and unauthenticated services and implement multi-factor authentication logins where they’re missing.
4. Updates and Patching
AV devices need the same continuous updating and patching that computers, tablets, and smartphones receive. The trouble is, the infrastructure for AV devices isn’t as developed as internet-based updates that you’ll see for operating systems like Windows, IOS, and Android. Your provider should have the solutions to monitor AV devices for software versions and ensure all is up to date.
5. Physical Access
Many organizations configure their desktop systems to disable USB port access to prevent any data copying or loading external software. That’s typically not possible with most AV devices and control systems, and software updates can’t prevent physical hacks. Managed IT services should offer to protect sensitive equipment with physical access control security to prevent potential damage to your system.
6. Lateral Network Movement
Another security technique your service provider should offer is segmenting networks. AV devices should not have access to other parts of the network, as that will increase the likelihood of compromised devices or cloud services. Every open port is a risk, and segmentation will reduce those risks by putting AV devices on a separate network.
If you need assistance with managed IT solutions, we’re here to help. Level 3 Audiovisual is a Scottsdale, Arizona-based national managed services provider helping organizations of all sizes across the U.S. design, deploy, and manage AV systems and infrastructure. Learn more by reaching out to Level 3 Audiovisual or clicking the chat box below to connect instantly. We look forward to working with you.