3 Innovative Ways to Use Digital Signage Displays
Digital Signage Is More than Just a Marketing Medium
Digital signage is a popular solution for imparting information that informs and engages various audiences and constituencies. Two broad technology advances are adding additional intelligence to digital signage solutions to make them even more effective, engaging, and important. One is cloud-connected management, and the other is artificial intelligence (AI).
You might already be thinking, aren’t those two areas the underpinnings of almost every smart device today? Of course, you’re right. But it wasn’t so many years ago that many digital signage systems were based on a local player attached to a display screen via USB. Today, cloud-based content management and monitoring make it much easier to keep a large network of digital displays of all sizes running fresh content and enabling more sophisticated communication campaigns. In addition, AI enables more intelligent and customized approaches to digital signage display solutions. Let’s take a look at three innovative applications for digital signage.
SEE ALSO: 3 Best Practices for Using Digital Signage in the Hybrid Workplace
Facilitating Touchless Experiences
The pandemic may be waning, and things are going back to normal, but a lot has changed. One of those changes is the acceleration of hybrid work, and another is the deployment of experiences requiring fewer physical touchpoints. Even as mask mandates are rescinded, medical offices, clinics, and hospitals are still requiring them to limit the transmission of diseases. And they are investing in other forms of delivering services while minimizing physical touch. One way of facilitating these experiences is to use digital signage to communicate instructions and practices to reduce physical touchpoints in the facility. At a more sophisticated level, AI-powered facial recognition with cameras built into digital signage kiosks can enable secure entry where access control is important.
Context-Sensitive Information
The inherently updatable nature of today’s cloud-connected digital signage platforms enables context-sensitive communication and information. From a safety standpoint, in a critical situation such as fire, tornado warning, or other issues that require quick communication of emergency procedures, displays that otherwise might show engagement information can rapidly convert to relaying explicit instructions for the situation. Short display messages can also display a QR code or text instructions to give people further updates and instructions once they reach a safe location.
Drive-In and Automobiles
Digital displays are highly useful for conveying up-to-the-minute information to drivers. For restaurants and other establishments with pick-up orders, a digital display can show menus, wait times, order status, and more to facilitate smoother operations and a better customer experience. In some cases, it makes touchless experiences easier as well. A parking garage might employ a digital signage display to show available slots and locations, allowing drivers to find parking easily. Such systems might also enable digital payments with smartphone apps for seamless touchless solutions.
Does your organization have requirements for flexible communication solutions where digital signage can play a role? Level 3 Audiovisual is an Arizona-based national managed services provider helping organizations of all sizes in Tempe and across the U.S. design, deploy, and manage digital signage display solutions. Get started by reaching out to us here or clicking the chatbox below to connect instantly. We look forward to working with you.