Quality, Seamless Integration, Ease of Use, and Timely Support: What are you willing to pay?
Several companies have benefited from a manufacturing and service model that delivers on quality and usability. Think for a moment, when considering computer and device innovation (for example), what computer companies do you think of that fit this characterization? When you think of simulation AV companies, do you have the same assurance as you might with, say Microsoft or Apple? In the healthcare simulation community, many seem to have either learned to accept less from their AV solution provider. For many simulationists, they find ways to work around the deficiencies of their AV solution. However, Level 3 Audiovisual recognizes that if our customers want to enjoy a higher level of quality, reliability, and objective focused solutions, money is not necessarily related.
Level 3 Audiovisual receives requests from potential clients that want us to provide a quote for our simulation AV solutions. Many do not have much experience with our solutions (or any AV solution provider), but they have heard of us. I have yet to talk to anyone who has seen and used SIMStation who did not immediately grasp that our solutions are game changers for healthcare simulation debriefing and video documentation. But for the SIMStation software to work as designed, it must be correctly integrated and configured to work with compatible hardware. Apple and Microsoft, for example, understand this. It took Microsoft a little longer than Apple to come to that conclusion, but now both companies design, build and sell their own combined hardware/software solutions (MS now has their Surface line of computers and accessories). Microsoft and Apple turn-key solutions are designed to be intuitive, and the operating systems are designed for the hardware, and the hardware is designed for the software. Not unlike L3AV’s SIMStation line of products. Some AV integration companies have learned this as well, but because simulation AV recording and debriefing is such a specialized setup, each system must be customized for each customer. Interestingly, Microsoft developed their operating systems, in the beginning, solely to run on other hardware manufacturers’ systems. The user experience varied between each computer brand, even though they all had MS WindowsTM installed. Enter the Surface line of products from MicrosoftTM. Quality control, hand-in-glove compatibility and consistent user-experience. Apple adopted this approach from the very beginning. Apple users have traditionally been the biggest fans and repeat customers of Apple products. The substance of this article is not about either of these companies, they are just examples of the good that happens when the hardware/software designs and implementations are in sync with each other.
Regarding simulation programs, the saying goes “if you have seen one simulation program, you have seen one simulation program.” Meaning, no two simulation programs are alike. Each program has different needs and objectives. Both Apple and Microsoft discovered that each of their companies had a better chance of controlling quality and usability if they built their own computers and developed their own software. While both offer some compatibility with third party solutions, they have been able to maintain quality and usability of the basic system.
Level 3 Audiovisual’s SIMStation software solutions are paired with high quality hardware and the highest quality standards in the industry (AV9000). SIMStation is a high-end simulation AV solution, designed with debriefing in mind. With our competitors, many are forced to try to figure out a resolution or workaround ourselves. Level 3 AV gives you a direct line to our team. Should you need our help, even if it is user error, we are available to fix it . . . often within minutes. Do you have that kind of relationship with your AV vendor? Do you wait days, weeks, even months for problem resolution? Level 3 AV offers a unified software and hardware solution. We stand by our systems, and before you buy them, experienced simulation educators, operations specialists, and engineers will work with you to make sure you understand what is included in the purchase, what it can do, what it cannot do, and ensure that the solution matches your institution’s requirements. Upon sale, delivery and installation, we want you to be pleased with your decision and ultimately enjoy quality, seamless integration, ease of use, and timely support. After all, our best sales people are end-users. Click here to learn more about our SIMStation product or contact one of our simulation experts today!