3 Questions to Answer Before You Choose a Simulation Solution
If you are trying to decide between two pairs of navy blue socks and one costs $5 while the other costs $25, the decision is likely a no-brainer. When it comes to comparing and choosing simulation software, however, you shouldn’t make your decision based on price alone. Unlike socks, going with a lower-priced simulation system could cost you the functionality and ease-of-use you need to meet your objectives. And low quotes on simulation systems often don’t include AV installation and other ancillary costs, so your “good deal” often ends up being more expensive in the end. So, if you can’t choose between simulation systems based on price, what should you be looking for? Here are 3 questions to ask yourself before you choose a simulation solution.
- Does the simulation system have all the features you need? You might be enticed by a low price, but does that price include all the features you need, such as recording, control room, and debriefing room software, as well as video streaming? Are you choosing a stationary system when you could make better use of a mobile one? If you have to add components or capabilities to a system after you’ve purchased it, you’ll probably end up spending more money than you would have had you invested in a more comprehensive system in the first place. You may run into usability and compatibility issues as well. For example, SimStation provides multiple configuration options so you can get the right mix of capabilities the first time.
- Is the quote comprehensive? Many vendors will present the lowest upfront cost to win your business and later apply change orders for AV installation and other ancillary costs. The only way to accurately compare simulation systems based on price is to make sure those prices include all desired features, installation, maintenance, and other support.
- Does the simulation software meet your program objectives? It doesn’t matter how cheap your simulation system is—if it doesn’t meet your needs and objectives, you’ve wasted your budget. And not only that, but the success of your simulation program itself could be in danger if you don’t have the right system to support it. If administrators are pressuring you to make budget the key factor in choosing a simulation system, you can help them understand why functionality has to come before price. Even if it costs more upfront, a solution that supports program success will be a better investment in the long-run.
The Level 3 Audiovisual team includes designers and technicians with years of experience. That experience means they are prepared to help you choose the simulation system features that will benefit you most in the long run, and they’ll always be upfront about how much it costs. Ready to get started? Reach out to us here or click the chatbox below to connect instantly. We look forward to working with you!