Level 3 Audiovisual Triples the Number of Families Adopted in Annual Christmas Adopt-a-Family Program
We are excited to announce our annual “Adopt a Family for Christmas” program was a huge success. The program asks for Level 3 Audiovisual employees to “adopt” a family and provide Christmas gifts. We started this program in 2018 by working with The Society of St. Vincent De Paul and we are now partnering with the wonderful people at H.E.L.P. (Homeless Engagement Lift Partnership).
In general, the Christmas holiday can be a challenging time of the year for many. There are social pressures to purchase gifts for friends and family members, decorate homes and provide food and festivity for gatherings. Recent economic conditions, inflation, and shipping delays have only added difficulty and hardship to this Christmas season. Everything is more expensive; gas, groceries and gifts are all more costly than they were just 6 months ago.
Due to these conditions the crew at Level 3 is excited to share the fact we were able to triple the amount of people we have adopted in the past. In 2018 we began the program by assisting a single family by providing a triple bunk bed for three siblings ages 6, 8 and 10. The 6-year-old boy got the top bunk and we’ve never seen a kid more excited. Added to that, was a supply of bedding accessories customized to each child. The 10- and 8-year-old sisters got unicorn and mermaid sheets and blankets while the 6-year-old boy got dinosaurs. After spending years sleeping on the floor in the hallway you can only imagine the excitement of a child getting their own bed with personalized sheets and blankets.
In 2019 we tripled our efforts by assisting 21 people. In 2020 we upped that number to 34 people and for the upcoming 2021 Christmas season we are fortunate enough to assist 68 people across 10 families. Each family was provided with clothing, toys, household necessities, school supplies and school uniforms. We are very proud of the employee engagement in both providing the gifts and donating their time to wrap and customize the presents. H.E.L.P. then took our gift-wrapped packages and delivered them to the families with the help of volunteer Santa’s and elves. These families now have items to place under their Christmas tree and open on the big day.
Thank you to all the Level 3 Audiovisual employees who dedicated their time and resources to make this Christmas holiday a true success for these families. And a big thank you to the great staff at H.E.L.P. who are assisting hundreds of families and individuals and truly changing lives.