Level 3 Audiovisual raises money in support of World Down Syndrome Day
With Level 3’s philanthropy mission to help children and families, we focus our efforts on activities that will make a lasting impact. This quarter we have partnered with GiGi’s playhouse, an organization with a mission to change the way the world views Down Syndrome and send a global message of acceptance for all.
World Down syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21st to honor Down Syndrome people who have 3 of their 21st chromosome. We joined the celebration by raising donations to Gigi’s playhouse and asking our employees and community to wear crazy socks, highlighting our differences as individuals.
How is the donation used?
From prenatal diagnosis to career skills, GiGi’s Playhouse makes a lifetime commitment to the families it serves. GiGi’s delivers ALL speech, literacy, therapeutics, fitness, and career programs for free! While not a single fortune 500 CEO would advocate giving products away at no cost, GiGi's is not about profit. GiGi's is about accepting, believing, growing, and taking action.
Down Syndrome can have many effects, and it is different for each person. Some will grow up and live almost entirely on their own, while other will need more help taking care of themselves. GiGi’s wants these families to know that they are never alone. They want to help get these special people ready for the world - and get the world ready for them! Donations ensure more children and adults with Down syndrome improve their communication skills, combat low muscle tone, and benefit from career development and real-world internship opportunities.
We are grateful to everyone who helped support this wonderful cause, and we feel very fortunate to be in a position that allows us to give back to our community. We believe that children are our future, and by focusing our efforts on initiatives to help children and their families, we can make a positive impact in the lives of others, as well as ourselves and our colleagues!