Getting Ready to Choose New Sim Lab Equipment? Read This First.
Overwhelmed by a Sim Lab Tech Upgrade? Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Are you a simulation technician tasked with choosing new technology for your simulation lab? And are you feeling overwhelmed by the task? Don’t panic. Choosing the best equipment for your sim lab—and getting it for the best price—can be as simple as scoring the perfect vacuum on Black Friday. Maybe even easier, because you won’t have to fight anyone for the last item on the shelf. Keep reading for tips on what you should consider when choosing new sim lab tools—and why the process might be easier than you think.
Is Your Sim Lab Equipment Delivering What You Need?
There could be any number of reasons your sim lab needs new equipment. Your current equipment might be broken or outdated. Or maybe the equipment is hard to manage or maintain. Your system might not be compatible with new features or tools you want to add. Maybe the existing tools and features of your sim lab don’t meet user needs or expectations. Or maybe you’re trying to expand your simulation lab and your existing tools aren’t easily scalable. Before you go on a shopping spree, take some time to review your existing tools to determine what capabilities they have and what additional capabilities you require to meet your needs. Asking users what they like, what they don’t like, and what they wish they had can be particularly useful to give you a better idea of what you’re looking for. An assessment of your existing equipment and how it stacks up to the needs of your users and the objectives of your program can also help you decide if you need a full system renovation, or whether a smaller refresh will do.
Time for New Sim Lab Equipment? Ask These 3 Questions.
Now that you have a better sense of what features and capabilities you need, it’s time to choose the best solution or solutions to provide them. Here are some important questions to answer before making the investment.
Does this tool meet my program objectives?
If the goal of your program is neurosurgery training, a standard manikin that can only be used to practice taking vital signs and administering IVs is a waste of funds, no matter how inexpensive it is. By the same token, there’s no need to spend the extra money on a fancy surgical manikin if an IV arm will do the trick.
Does it provide the functionality I need?
It’s better to get a system with everything you need instead of adding features later. For example, if you need video debriefing, make sure the system you pick has it from the start. Adding capabilities and components to a system after you’ve implemented it can be more expensive than it would have been to buy a different, more comprehensive system in the first place. And you might run into compatibility issues too.
Is the quote for this solution comprehensive?
Some vendors will quote you a lower price upfront to win your business and then add on change orders for installation and other ancillary costs. Make sure the price you are quoted includes all the features you need, as well as installation, maintenance, and other support. Otherwise your “too good to be true” deal could end up being exactly that.
The Right Healthcare Simulation Partner Simplifies Buying Decisions
Still seem like a lot to consider? The good news is you don’t have to tackle a simulation lab refresh or renovation on your own. Before you’d pull the trigger on a fancy new vacuum, you would likely read reviews, poll your friends, and search for the best deal. Before you pull the trigger on new tools and technologies for your simulation lab, you should meet with a healthcare simulation expert that can help you define your needs and recommend the right tools to meet them—at the best price. When you work with a simulation expert from Level 3 Audiovisual, you’ll get all the information you need upfront and won’t face any surprises or hidden costs down the road. Could you use some advice for a simulation lab refresh or renovation? Get in touch today.