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INFOCOMM: Monitoring Meeting Rooms and the Journey Towards a Single Pane of Glass with Fred Loucks

Monitoring Meeting Rooms and the Journey Towards a Single Pane of Glass

Thursday June 9th, 2022 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Today’s AV Technology Managers are responsible for hundreds if not thousands of meeting spaces, and the biggest pain-point for most of them is this: their users know about meeting room issues before they do. They have no real way of knowing what is going on in their spaces. In addition, there are several other insufficiencies with the industry’s current offerings:
• Lack of multi-vendor support in a single platform, which creates silos.
• Limited to surface-level data collection, which restricts data mining and analysis.
• Lack of programmable collection methods, which gates enhanced collection.

In order to navigate these concerns and more, AV Technology Managers have to familiarize themselves with monitoring best practices, industry trends, and the current market of monitoring tools. It can be difficult to know where to start. In this session we’ll discuss each of these points, lay out a series of practical steps towards single panel of glass monitoring, explore benefits of centralized data collection, investigate why AV monitoring is so hard in the first place, and discuss what we can do as an industry to fix it.

And complete brochure description:

Have you ever been blindsided by a meeting room outage? Then this session is for you! Together we’ll explore the core issues and challenges in meeting room and AV monitoring at large, lay out the steps to success in implementing single pane of glass monitoring, discuss the benefits of centralized data collection, and dig into why AV monitoring is so hard in the first place.

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