Recording & Debriefing Software
According to simulation research, most of the learning occurs during the debriefing process. That means a comprehensive and reliable AV solution is crucial to perform the proper debriefing session. Real-time or post-event bookmarking and grading, editable checklists, and timestamped video are all part of the SIMStation solution.




Software Features

User-friendly touch screen interface
Insert markers and annotations using preconfigured icons
View and capture any patient monitor signal
Toggle quad splitscreen or single screen HD view
Control and record up to eight audio channels
Show images, such as x-rays, on a screen in the training room
Play sound files, e.g. street noise, in the training room
Toggle live video and live audio in debriefing room
Start and stop scenario recording
Switch seamlessly between different rooms with different camera setups
Communicate to all other devices within the SIMNet

Switch seamlessly between different rooms with different camera setups
Communicate to all other devices within the software
User-friendly touch screen interface
Insert markers and annotations using preconfigured icons
View and capture any patient monitor signal
Toggle quad split screen or single screen HD view
Start and stop scenario recording
Play sound files, e.g. street noise, in the training room
Control and record audio channels and announcements
Show images, such as x-rays, on a screen in the training room
Add in students and faculty, at any time, for data collection
Easily switch and set up cameras for recording
Add scenarios to each room and record simultaneously
Tablets allow faculty to control debriefings, show media and teaching material, as well as, grade students through bookmarks and checklists.

Control & Recording Room Components

Training Room Components

Debriefing Room Components
Tailored Managed Services
Intelligent Device Monitoring
Device Data Collection
Visualization & Analytics
Smart Thresholds
Custom Integration
Alerting and Notification
Unique QR Codes
Quick Start Guide
On-Demand Help Desk
Document Storage
Simulation Education & Training
As administrators of a cutting-edge virtual medical simulation lab, you are a team of seasoned experts focused on training and educating simulation professionals. Your role is to prepare your managers, technicians and leaders in the four areas of simulation expertise: healthcare curriculum, anatomy and physiology, audiovisual equipment, and IT technology infrastructure.
Our goal is to support your educational needs by providing simulation training courses via hands-on skills training, theory and concept. We have technicians and managers traveling to us from as far as Miami, FL, Washington, D.C., and across the U.S. to attend our hands-on, interactive Simulation Boot Camp.
Our Recent Projects

UT Health Houston
UT Health presented Level 3 Audiovisual with plans to build a state-of-the art simulation center within their high-profile nursing school. This project would become the largest simulation center within the UT Health organization and the largest simulation project for Level 3 Audiovisual.

This center was a retrofit from an existing AV system, and Level 3 Audiovisual was brought in to add a new dimension of user feedback, as well as, provide the newest technology the industry has to offer.

California Baptist University
The College of Nursing at California Baptist University received provisional accreditation through the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. A year later Level 3 was acquired for the installation of SIMStation into their existing simulation centers.