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In the ever-evolving landscape of public service, staying ahead means embracing innovation. Empower your agency to excel with cutting-edge audiovisual solutions tailored to the unique needs of government institutions. From modernizing council chambers to enhancing citizen engagement through digital signage and video conferencing, discover how advanced AV technology can elevate your agency's performance and impact.

Experience seamless integration and superior performance in your government spaces. Get started with the form below!

Community Services

Community services are the heart of local governance, providing essential spaces for meetings, hearings, events, and recreation. Effective audiovisual solutions are crucial for facilitating communication, collaboration, and engagement within the community.


Encourage lively community involvement with versatile spaces.

Offer flexible venues for various community events.

Ensure everyone can easily access important information.

Give residents the power to make a difference.

Use data to make smart decisions for the community.

System health monitoring, proactive support, and white-glove Managed Support Services.

Council Chambers

Facilitate transparent governance and meaningful dialogue in a council chamber designed to accommodate official meetings and public discussions with dignity and professionalism.

4-10 in-room participants with 4+ remote participants
Immersive open table arrangement enabling excellent display visibility
1-3 front-wall displays for a mix of content and remote participant video streams
Camera View
Front-wall camera with intelligent framing of in-room participants
Focus on shared content and video
Encourages serial work over parallel work
Scheduled 30-120 minute meetings
Monitored and proactively supported, with in-room user help point.


Promote fairness and justice in a courtroom environment that ensures the integrity of legal proceedings and upholds the rights of all parties involved.

2-10 in-room participants with limited or no remote participants
Round table allowing for local eye contact and fluid conversation
Optional end-of-table / front-wall display for remote participant video feeds or content
Camera View
Side-wall camera with intelligent framing of local participants and good view of media
Focus on conversation and interactive creative media such as a physical whiteboard
Encourage parallel work over serial work
Scheduled half-day or multi-day dedicated sessions
Monitored and proactively supported, with in-room user help point.

Sports Complex

Elevate the sports experience for athletes and spectators alike in a dynamic sports complex equipped with cutting-edge audiovisual technology and amenities.

2-10 in-room participants with limited or no remote participants
Round / columnar table allowing with standing chairs, also works in open spaces
Optional end-of-table / front-wall display for remote participant video feeds or content
Camera View
Center-table camera with panoramic view of local participants
Focus on conversation over shared content
Encourage quick updates and scum-like sessions
Scheduled or unscheduled 5-30 minute meetings
Monitored and proactively supported, with in-room user help point.

Recreation Center

Inspire active lifestyles and community engagement in a versatile recreation center offering diverse programs and facilities for people of all ages and interests.

2-10 in-room participants with limited or no remote participants
Round / columnar table allowing with standing chairs, also works in open spaces
Optional end-of-table / front-wall display for remote participant video feeds or content
Camera View
Center-table camera with panoramic view of local participants
Focus on conversation over shared content
Encourage quick updates and scum-like sessions
Scheduled or unscheduled 5-30 minute meetings
Monitored and proactively supported, with in-room user help point.

Specialty Spaces

In government, certain spaces are dedicated to specialized functions. Make these spaces stand out with exceptional audiovisual solutions, impressing both your team and constituents with seamless and efficient operations.


Design environments that encourage active participation and collaboration.

Provide adaptable spaces equipped for specific government activities and operations.

Ensure seamless access to critical information and resources for all stakeholders.

Equip staff with tools and technologies to excel in their specialized roles and responsibilities.

Utilize analytics and insights to inform strategic decisions and optimize operational efficiency.

System health monitoring, proactive support, and white-glove Managed Support Services.

Operations Centers

Efficiently monitor and manage critical operations in a dedicated command center optimized for real-time decision-making and response coordination.

Room Types
Various room types according to business need. Heavy use of multi-purpose spaces
Conferencing technology, digital signage, curved video walls, interactive exhibits, LED lighting, and more
Customize digital signage displays with customer welcome messages
Keep vendor and non-NDA meetings outside of secure areas
In-room QR code placard for quick access to helpdesk and reference materials, as well as dedicated conference center support staff.

Control Rooms

Take command of complex processes and systems with precision and ease in a control room equipped with intuitive interfaces and integrated data displays.

Room Types
Quick huddle rooms for vendor meetings & interviews
Video walls, virtual receptionists, and self-help kiosks
Customize digital signage displays with customer welcome messages
Keep interviews and non-NDA meetings outside of secure areas
In-room QR code placard for quick reception staff access to helpdesk and reference materials

Broadcast Studio

Unleash your creativity and captivate your audience with professional-grade broadcasting capabilities in a state-of-the-art studio environment.

Interactive exhibits using video walls, projection, touch displays, augmented reality, and highly customized environments
Room Types
Best complimented with an executive briefing center
Video walls, virtual receptionists, and self-help kiosks
Customize digital signage displays with customer welcome messages
Protect your brand and reputation by securing signage content and players from outside tampering
In-room QR code placard for quick reception staff access to helpdesk and reference materials

Training Rooms

Create an immersive training experience in a purpose-built training environment designed to maximize engagement and retention.

Interactive exhibits using video walls, projection, touch displays, augmented reality, and highly customized environments
Room Types
Best complimented with an executive briefing center
Video walls, virtual receptionists, and self-help kiosks
Customize digital signage displays with customer welcome messages
Protect your brand and reputation by securing signage content and players from outside tampering
In-room QR code placard for quick reception staff access to helpdesk and reference materials

Meeting Rooms

The meeting room is the cornerstone of the modern office environment, and with the rise in flexible work arrangements, meeting room design and conference room technology are more important than ever.


Enable team members both local and remote to gather.

Ensure local and remote participants can see and hear, as well as be seen and heard.

Enable both primary and alternative meeting platforms.

Report data regarding room utilization and technology health.

Enable quick access to quick-reference materials and helpdesk services

System health monitoring, proactive support, and white-glove Managed Support Services.

Conference Rooms

The Swiss Army Knife of meeting spaces, these rooms should focus on creating an equitable and productive environment for both local and remote participants, while keeping a close eye on budget.

10-30 local participants with passive remote viewers
Classroom-style seating which focuses attention toward the instructor and their content
Front-wall displays for content, and reinforcement displays as needed
Camera View
Auto-track the instructor, ensuring focus remains on them
Instructor presentation content
Serial instruction with small breakout sections
Scheduled 1-8 hour trainings through multi-day sessions
In-room QR code placard for quick instructor access to helpdesk and reference materials

Huddle Rooms

This modern room-type focuses on providing a quick and flexible touch-down point for teams looking for a quick check-in.

30-200 local participants with passive remote viewers
Oftentimes divisible spaces with flexible seating configured for each event
Front-wall displays for content, and reinforcement displays as needed
Camera View
Auto-track the instructor, ensuring focus remains on them
Instructor presentation content
Serial instruction with small breakout sections
Scheduled 1-8 hour trainings through multi-day sessions
In-room QR code placard for quick instructor access to helpdesk and reference materials, and dedicated event support staff for mission-critical sessions


Executive spaces for the most important conversations in the company, these rooms should be the jewel in the crown of your smart spaces portfolio focused on creating a no-compromise experience for the organization's leadership.

50+ local participants, remote presenter & site feeds, and passive remote viewers
Auditorium-style seating focused on maximizing occupancy
Large-format projection systems ensure everyone can see the message
Camera View
Multiple cameras enabling pickup of presenters from multiple angles, as well as audience members as needed
Presentation content and potentially far-side video for guest presenters and other offices/sites
Serial and strictly planned
Scheduled 1-3 hour sessions
Dedicated event support staff with specialty training in event management & technical solution support

Digital Signage

Wherever your colleagues are, get your message out to them in a way that aligns with your brand and objectives.


Includes video walls, digital signs, enterprise TV, room scheduling, and more

Focused on getting your message out to your team quickly and consistently

Build traction & cohesion

Require highly secure deployments as compromise can cause embarrassment or worse

Report data regarding solution statistics and engagement data

System health monitoring, proactive support, and white-glove Managed Support Services.

Video Walls

Not only for the lobby, video walls can be used in internal office spaces for metric displays, corporate messaging, and even sporting events or all-hands meetings.

See Details

See Details
Any combination of traditional LCD or modern direct view LED walls, in any orientation or environment, paired with state-of-the-art media players
Protect your brand and reputation by securing signage content and players from outside tampering
Centralized administration of all signage content with local customizations where appropriate
Call, chat, or email support for content creators and sysadmins

Campus Messaging

Your colleagues are everywhere, so why isn’t your message? Get your content out there with powerful corporate messaging and enterprise TV tools that put content on displays, in the web browser, and on mobile.

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Streaming technologies with web apps and signage players
TLS secured media streams with role-based access control ensures your message only goes where it’s supposed to
No more “sneaker net”. Take control of your messaging anywhere in the world from one web portal
Call, chat, or email support for content creators and sysadmins

Room Scheduling

Give your users total visibility of their rooms. Utilize outside-of-the-room scheduling panels and LED indicators to broadcast room availability and reduce the barrier to a successful meeting

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Wall-mounted touch panels, LED indicators, mobile apps, and desktop clients, all integrated with corporate email/calendar platform
Limit meeting details from being seen outside of the room for sensitive meetings, and ensure rooms are only booked by those with permission
Centrally manage your scheduling solution from the cloud, and limit administration of scheduling hardware
Call, chat, or email support for content creators and sysadmins

Managed Services

Partner with us to compliment your existing AV program. Whatever service you need, we work with you to customize the fit to your organization and business cases.


Highly customizable

Staffed by AV professionals

Bound by industry-leading service-level agreements

Remote Helpdesk

When AV technology goes wrong, it typically comes with disruption, embarrassment, and ultimately some financial loss to the company. Let our team be your first line of defense. Users and AV/IT staff alike can contact our Helpdesk and get their issue resolved fast, so they can stop worrying about the technology, and focus instead on moving the business’s objectives forward.

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Reduce and eliminate expensive user disruptions due to AV technology issues
In-room scannable QR codes for quick access to help resources and support contacts, plus zero trust connectivity for remote troubleshooting…no VPN required!
Zero trust access, self-help resources, and amazing support engineers
Modify SLAs, get connectivity audit reports, and implement claw-back policies 

Proactive Monitoring

Take the offensive against AV outages & conference room disruptions. Our proactive monitoring service constantly collects health metrics from your systems. In the event of an issue, the technical stakeholders for the system can be notified immediately, allowing them an opportunity to resolve the issue before users and the business at large are impacted.

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See Details
Reduce and eliminate expensive user disruptions due to AV technology issues
Reduce and eliminate expensive user disruptions due to AV technology issues
Manufacturer agnostic monitoring solution that works with any device, plus in-house monitoring driver development and onboarding
Any device or system, customizable network topologies, pair with Helpdesk and other services, or use us to bring your AV devices into your IT standard monitoring platform  

Program Management

Take control of your regional and global AV deployment strategy with a single hand-to-shake. Our unique and powerful service provides ultimate visibility and accountability into the global project deployment process and enables you to reach even greater speed and quality benchmarks. The best part: no RFPs needed.

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See Details
Deploy at scale without sacrificing quality. Control costs without RFPs or low-bid scenarios. Build trust with your partners and empower your deployment no matter the size. 
Clearly defined AV solution standards, rapid budgeting tools, powerful system documentation, and a global accountability network of amazing integrators
Proven success in global deployment strategy and AV reference architecture, great integrator partnerships at home and abroad, and a foundation of quality through AQAV’s AV9000 standard
Dedicated or pooled resources, consulting on internal AV program strategy & staffing, or provide only a subset of services where your organization needs them most


Ready to transform your government spaces with advanced AV solutions? Reach out to us today! Our team is here to discuss your unique needs and provide tailored audiovisual solutions for your government specialty spaces.

Call Us: 1.877.777.5328
Fax: 480.892.5295
Tech Support: 480.690.4496
Call Us: 1.877.777.5328
Fax: 480.892.5295
Tech Support: 480.690.4496

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